Check Out Our Services

Residential Inspection

Luxury Inspection
Luxury properties are one of our specialties and we understand they require a higher level of service, discretion and care. We bring an entire team of Licensed Inspectors as well as a Project Manager to oversee the inspection and advise you throughout the entire process. Our luxury service includes a more extensive evaluation with verification of advanced electronics, appliances and high-end features and a free follow-up re-inspection.

Commercial Inspection

Pre-Listing Inspection

Insurance Inspection
4 Point Inspection
There are 4 essential elements that insurance companies care about when determining if they want to insure your property and what your premium will be. Make sure that your home is safe & doesn’t need repairs in order to get or keep insurance with a 4-Point inspection.
Wind Mitigation Inspection
Does your home, or the home you’re buying, have storm protection? Make sure you are getting all the insurance discounts your home qualifies for with a Uniform Wind Mitigation inspection. Save up to 40% on your windstorm policy by applying for the credits you deserve.
Mold Air Quality & Moisture Inspection
If you have allergies, asthma, suspect mold may exist in a property or just want peace of mind, we’re here to help. We perform a through inspection looking for visible mold & moisture; we record temperature, humidity and CO2 levels and take air samples for laboratory analysis. We also use a thermal camera to detect hidden moisture. It’s a comprehensive analysis with a detailed report including results and recommendations explained in laymen, non-scientific terms.

Termite (WDO) Inspection
Termites and other Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO) can go unnoticed until they cause catastrophic damage to a structure. Whether you’re shopping for a property or suspect your current property may be affected, we offer a comprehensive inspection by a licensed pest control company that helps you understand if a problem exists and your options for treatment when necessary.

Sewer Scope Inspection

Seawall and Dock Inspection
Properties located on or near water may have a seawall to help with structural support along with a dock for water access. It is important to inspect these during the pre-purchase property inspection as well as part of a preventive maintenance program. Our comprehensive seawall & dock inspection includes a trained diver to inspect, document and photograph any underwater and under-surface defects.

Pool/Spa Inspection
Pools and spas can be relaxing and therapeutic additions to any home or multi-unit housing structure, but only if they’re safe and properly maintained.
We’ll inspect the pool & spa body, decking, coping, pump, filter, electrical, heating and other equipment.